Friday 25 October 2013

Well Hello


Hope you're all doing well. If you're reading this you are awesome and should carry on reading. I started my autumn break today! So relieved because I am veeeeeery tired. I had scout things two weekends in a row and then I got a cold and I had a big math test this week. Also I most probably failed my french test today. Oh well, there has to be a first time for everything.
I am going to London tomorrow and then onwards to Guernsey on sunday. I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends and especially my dad who I haven't seen in over two months. My older sister is here at the moment which is really fun.
What else?
I have a scout shirt now!!!! It's awesome! I was inaugurated as an explorer scout last saturday and as a (help) leader the saturday before. We had a bunch of challenges for our inauguration which included cooking lunch on trangias on a park bench in central Uppsala and cooking tea with water from the river using a trangia on one of the bridges in central Uppsala. We got quite a few strange looks, especially because we had camping rucksacks and were carrying a big pole. It was great!
I am loving being a scout leader. The kids are a bit mental but I like the power and i'm learning a lot. Plus I can use it for CAS next year.

Thankyou for reading. It means a lot to me.

Bye banan!

Wednesday 9 October 2013



One of the things I missed most when I lived on Guernsey was Swedish food. Guernsey does not have an IKEA so there was no Swedish food available. I've already written about this but there is a serious lack of products for cooking/ baking Swedish food on Guernsey. Having everything available is awesome! Christmas will be great with lots of Swedish food at HOME. For the first time since we moved (apart from last year) I will be spending christmas at home, most probably. My christmas will be in the country that I live in and love.
Anyway, back to the intended topic.......
Lösgodis is this amazing Swedish thing. At all the supermarkets (pretty much) there is a large section with delicious pick and mix sweets. My friends and I have gone to the nearest ICA to our school pretty much every week to buy sweets which we have kept in our lockers and eaten while watching Sherlock in the IB villa. AWESOMENESS!
If you ever visit Sweden you have to try the following sweets; salt sill, polkagrisar, salt lakrits in general, Ahlgrens bilar, gele hallon, hallon båtar.
I can think of quite a few more but I need to get back to studying because I have only managed to do French so far.
I have my first Scout meeting as a kind of leader today. I am really scared.
Wish me luck!

Bye banan!

Saturday 5 October 2013

Bikes, bikes and more bikes


I live in a town called Uppsala. It's a University town with one of the oldest universities in Europe. Lots of students means lots of bicycles! On my way to school it feels like I'm seeing more bicycles than cars which I consider to be a very good thing.
Uppsala has bicycle paths next to the majority of the roads. They are well built and nice to cycle on. It does get confusing in roundabouts and when srossing major roads but i really prefer cycling here compared to Guernsey. There are also paths for cycling in the forest that's close to where I live. I love cycling in the forest. It's just awesome.
I will now take a moment to have a bit of a rant. HELMETS! There are far too many people who do not use helmets. Every day, someone ends up in the hospital as a result of cycling accidents. The ones who wear helmets get considerably less serious injuries. My source: my mum is a nurse at A&E here at the university hospital. PLEASE WEAR A HELMET AND BE CAREFUL IF YOU CYCLE! I know taht it isn't cool but ending up paralysed, in a coma or dead is far worse than enduring not being in the 'cool crowd'.
Rant over.
Next topic: sweets and Swedish food in general.

Bye Banan!

Hello again


I am typing this on my school laptop which is really good.
I have not written in way too long but I am back.
I am loving it here in Sweden. At the moment the weather is pretty miserable but it was really nice throughout September until the end. We've already had frost and that makes the pedals really cold when cycling to school. School is good. Scouts is great! I am going away next weekend and was away last weekend with Scouts.
Speaking of cycling; next post will be on that topic!
Check back soon!
I'll try to write more reguarly!

Bye Banan!