Saturday 25 October 2014

Ways to procreastinate as an IB student


While trying to study but mainly procrastinating I decided that it would be fun to write a new blog post because why not write something useless when I could be doing my written tasks, revising ESS, doing maths or schoolwork in general?
I guess the answer is that I am officially an IB student now and am becoming a professional at procrastination. I thought it would be fun to write a post about the bane of my existence; procrastination. So here are some ways to procrastinate (when doing homework);

  1. Read something completely irrelevant in the textbook
  2. Plan scout meetings
  3. Clean my room
  4. Do the laundry
  5. Clean the bathroom
  6. Go outside
  7. Go into town
  8. Go running
  9. Group chats on facebook
  10. Watching youtube videos
  11. Writing blog posts
  12. Facebook
  13. TUMBLR
  14. Fangirling
  15. Googling random things
  16. Thinking about studying
  17. Sleeping
  18. Reading
  19. Reading driving booklets
  20. Staring blankly at my computer screen while my will to live steadily decreases
  21. Staring blankly at my computer screen while my chance of passing IB steadily declines
  22. Cooking
  23. Baking
  24. Watching movies
  25. Checking my schedule in the vain hope that i'll somehow stop finishing school at 5 most days
  26. Translating
  27. Counting to 10 in Swedish, English, French, Spanish and German
  28. Reciting Latin verbs
  29. getting annoyed when I don't remember Latin verbs
This is just some of the ways I procrastinate off the top of my head.
I will now go make lunch and read a book instead of studying ESS

Bye banan!

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Please sign this petition


So the municipality is threatening to take the Principal's villa away from my school, well the IB programme. I've set up a petition at this address: 
It would be great if you could sign
I've also made a facebook page called Save the Villa so please like that page for updates :)

Bye banan!

Sunday 12 January 2014



It seems that none of the photos worked so i'm going to try again....


Happy new year from our epic apartment in Uppsala.
I have not written on this blog in a really loooong time. I'm going to try to write once a week from now on. The last month has been very hectic. My sister visited and I went up to my grandparents when my dad was there, though I barely spoke to him (surprise).
I am very excited for the last episode of season 3 of Sherlock TONIGHT. I'm going to need tissues, a lot of tissues.
My room is almost finished now and I might post pictures on here when I'm done.
Oh yeh, it's snowing!
(Btw, all of these photos (and the other photos on this blog) belong to me and are hereby copyrighted. They may not be reproduced without my consent) :)

The words basically mean snow and yeah. It's awesome although the bus I took to IKEA yesterday was delayed by the snow :(
Here are some more photos of beautiful Uppsala covered in snow. Btw, Guernsey we have more snow than during the 'blizzard' last year and we don't even call it a snow storm :p


Sunday 17 November 2013

I'm back


I feel as if I haven't posted in waaaay too long.
We don't have snow quite yet but it's getting colder. Some mornings it's icy and other it's wet. I'm terrified that I'm going to fall of my bike on my way to school. Actually, mum is more terrified but she does work at A&E and they get a lot of cyclists who have fallen over.
School is still great. I love the school and the people. The programme is interesting. I'm thinking about my choices for the next two years, for the Diploma Programme. The only subject I'm completely sure about is History Higher. I also want to do English, Swedish and Philosophy. I have to do maths at one of three levels and I need a science. The big question is which subjects to do at higher level. I'm also looking for CAS activities. So far I have scoutleader for service, gym for action, some sort of project involving creativity and one other. So, I'm going to get that done next year.
I am still really happy here. We're moving to our apartment very soon and we're both really happy about it.
I saw that I have over two hours for lunch on tuesday so I have time to strudy. I also finish early on thursday so I might study.
I'm going further north this weekend to visit my grandparents this weekend. I haven't seen them in a long time so I'm happy to be seeing them.
Everyone is getting ready for winter. There are lots of adverts telling people to change the tyres on their cars to winter tyres and we're going to change the tyres on our bikes.
Thankyou for reading this very random post!

Bye banan!

Friday 25 October 2013

Well Hello


Hope you're all doing well. If you're reading this you are awesome and should carry on reading. I started my autumn break today! So relieved because I am veeeeeery tired. I had scout things two weekends in a row and then I got a cold and I had a big math test this week. Also I most probably failed my french test today. Oh well, there has to be a first time for everything.
I am going to London tomorrow and then onwards to Guernsey on sunday. I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends and especially my dad who I haven't seen in over two months. My older sister is here at the moment which is really fun.
What else?
I have a scout shirt now!!!! It's awesome! I was inaugurated as an explorer scout last saturday and as a (help) leader the saturday before. We had a bunch of challenges for our inauguration which included cooking lunch on trangias on a park bench in central Uppsala and cooking tea with water from the river using a trangia on one of the bridges in central Uppsala. We got quite a few strange looks, especially because we had camping rucksacks and were carrying a big pole. It was great!
I am loving being a scout leader. The kids are a bit mental but I like the power and i'm learning a lot. Plus I can use it for CAS next year.

Thankyou for reading. It means a lot to me.

Bye banan!

Wednesday 9 October 2013



One of the things I missed most when I lived on Guernsey was Swedish food. Guernsey does not have an IKEA so there was no Swedish food available. I've already written about this but there is a serious lack of products for cooking/ baking Swedish food on Guernsey. Having everything available is awesome! Christmas will be great with lots of Swedish food at HOME. For the first time since we moved (apart from last year) I will be spending christmas at home, most probably. My christmas will be in the country that I live in and love.
Anyway, back to the intended topic.......
Lösgodis is this amazing Swedish thing. At all the supermarkets (pretty much) there is a large section with delicious pick and mix sweets. My friends and I have gone to the nearest ICA to our school pretty much every week to buy sweets which we have kept in our lockers and eaten while watching Sherlock in the IB villa. AWESOMENESS!
If you ever visit Sweden you have to try the following sweets; salt sill, polkagrisar, salt lakrits in general, Ahlgrens bilar, gele hallon, hallon båtar.
I can think of quite a few more but I need to get back to studying because I have only managed to do French so far.
I have my first Scout meeting as a kind of leader today. I am really scared.
Wish me luck!

Bye banan!