Sunday, 17 November 2013

I'm back


I feel as if I haven't posted in waaaay too long.
We don't have snow quite yet but it's getting colder. Some mornings it's icy and other it's wet. I'm terrified that I'm going to fall of my bike on my way to school. Actually, mum is more terrified but she does work at A&E and they get a lot of cyclists who have fallen over.
School is still great. I love the school and the people. The programme is interesting. I'm thinking about my choices for the next two years, for the Diploma Programme. The only subject I'm completely sure about is History Higher. I also want to do English, Swedish and Philosophy. I have to do maths at one of three levels and I need a science. The big question is which subjects to do at higher level. I'm also looking for CAS activities. So far I have scoutleader for service, gym for action, some sort of project involving creativity and one other. So, I'm going to get that done next year.
I am still really happy here. We're moving to our apartment very soon and we're both really happy about it.
I saw that I have over two hours for lunch on tuesday so I have time to strudy. I also finish early on thursday so I might study.
I'm going further north this weekend to visit my grandparents this weekend. I haven't seen them in a long time so I'm happy to be seeing them.
Everyone is getting ready for winter. There are lots of adverts telling people to change the tyres on their cars to winter tyres and we're going to change the tyres on our bikes.
Thankyou for reading this very random post!

Bye banan!

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