I feel as if I haven't posted in waaaay too long.
We don't have snow quite yet but it's getting colder. Some mornings it's icy and other it's wet. I'm terrified that I'm going to fall of my bike on my way to school. Actually, mum is more terrified but she does work at A&E and they get a lot of cyclists who have fallen over.
School is still great. I love the school and the people. The programme is interesting. I'm thinking about my choices for the next two years, for the Diploma Programme. The only subject I'm completely sure about is History Higher. I also want to do English, Swedish and Philosophy. I have to do maths at one of three levels and I need a science. The big question is which subjects to do at higher level. I'm also looking for CAS activities. So far I have scoutleader for service, gym for action, some sort of project involving creativity and one other. So, I'm going to get that done next year.
I am still really happy here. We're moving to our apartment very soon and we're both really happy about it.
I saw that I have over two hours for lunch on tuesday so I have time to strudy. I also finish early on thursday so I might study.
I'm going further north this weekend to visit my grandparents this weekend. I haven't seen them in a long time so I'm happy to be seeing them.
Everyone is getting ready for winter. There are lots of adverts telling people to change the tyres on their cars to winter tyres and we're going to change the tyres on our bikes.
Thankyou for reading this very random post!
Bye banan!
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Friday, 25 October 2013
Well Hello
Hope you're all doing well. If you're reading this you are awesome and should carry on reading. I started my autumn break today! So relieved because I am veeeeeery tired. I had scout things two weekends in a row and then I got a cold and I had a big math test this week. Also I most probably failed my french test today. Oh well, there has to be a first time for everything.
I am going to London tomorrow and then onwards to Guernsey on sunday. I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends and especially my dad who I haven't seen in over two months. My older sister is here at the moment which is really fun.
What else?
I have a scout shirt now!!!! It's awesome! I was inaugurated as an explorer scout last saturday and as a (help) leader the saturday before. We had a bunch of challenges for our inauguration which included cooking lunch on trangias on a park bench in central Uppsala and cooking tea with water from the river using a trangia on one of the bridges in central Uppsala. We got quite a few strange looks, especially because we had camping rucksacks and were carrying a big pole. It was great!
I am loving being a scout leader. The kids are a bit mental but I like the power and i'm learning a lot. Plus I can use it for CAS next year.
Thankyou for reading. It means a lot to me.
Bye banan!
Hope you're all doing well. If you're reading this you are awesome and should carry on reading. I started my autumn break today! So relieved because I am veeeeeery tired. I had scout things two weekends in a row and then I got a cold and I had a big math test this week. Also I most probably failed my french test today. Oh well, there has to be a first time for everything.
I am going to London tomorrow and then onwards to Guernsey on sunday. I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends and especially my dad who I haven't seen in over two months. My older sister is here at the moment which is really fun.
What else?
I have a scout shirt now!!!! It's awesome! I was inaugurated as an explorer scout last saturday and as a (help) leader the saturday before. We had a bunch of challenges for our inauguration which included cooking lunch on trangias on a park bench in central Uppsala and cooking tea with water from the river using a trangia on one of the bridges in central Uppsala. We got quite a few strange looks, especially because we had camping rucksacks and were carrying a big pole. It was great!
I am loving being a scout leader. The kids are a bit mental but I like the power and i'm learning a lot. Plus I can use it for CAS next year.
Thankyou for reading. It means a lot to me.
Bye banan!
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
One of the things I missed most when I lived on Guernsey was Swedish food. Guernsey does not have an IKEA so there was no Swedish food available. I've already written about this but there is a serious lack of products for cooking/ baking Swedish food on Guernsey. Having everything available is awesome! Christmas will be great with lots of Swedish food at HOME. For the first time since we moved (apart from last year) I will be spending christmas at home, most probably. My christmas will be in the country that I live in and love.
Anyway, back to the intended topic.......
Lösgodis is this amazing Swedish thing. At all the supermarkets (pretty much) there is a large section with delicious pick and mix sweets. My friends and I have gone to the nearest ICA to our school pretty much every week to buy sweets which we have kept in our lockers and eaten while watching Sherlock in the IB villa. AWESOMENESS!
If you ever visit Sweden you have to try the following sweets; salt sill, polkagrisar, salt lakrits in general, Ahlgrens bilar, gele hallon, hallon båtar.
I can think of quite a few more but I need to get back to studying because I have only managed to do French so far.
I have my first Scout meeting as a kind of leader today. I am really scared.
Wish me luck!
Bye banan!
One of the things I missed most when I lived on Guernsey was Swedish food. Guernsey does not have an IKEA so there was no Swedish food available. I've already written about this but there is a serious lack of products for cooking/ baking Swedish food on Guernsey. Having everything available is awesome! Christmas will be great with lots of Swedish food at HOME. For the first time since we moved (apart from last year) I will be spending christmas at home, most probably. My christmas will be in the country that I live in and love.
Anyway, back to the intended topic.......
Lösgodis is this amazing Swedish thing. At all the supermarkets (pretty much) there is a large section with delicious pick and mix sweets. My friends and I have gone to the nearest ICA to our school pretty much every week to buy sweets which we have kept in our lockers and eaten while watching Sherlock in the IB villa. AWESOMENESS!
If you ever visit Sweden you have to try the following sweets; salt sill, polkagrisar, salt lakrits in general, Ahlgrens bilar, gele hallon, hallon båtar.
I can think of quite a few more but I need to get back to studying because I have only managed to do French so far.
I have my first Scout meeting as a kind of leader today. I am really scared.
Wish me luck!
Bye banan!
Saturday, 5 October 2013
Bikes, bikes and more bikes
I live in a town called Uppsala. It's a University town with one of the oldest universities in Europe. Lots of students means lots of bicycles! On my way to school it feels like I'm seeing more bicycles than cars which I consider to be a very good thing.
Uppsala has bicycle paths next to the majority of the roads. They are well built and nice to cycle on. It does get confusing in roundabouts and when srossing major roads but i really prefer cycling here compared to Guernsey. There are also paths for cycling in the forest that's close to where I live. I love cycling in the forest. It's just awesome.
I will now take a moment to have a bit of a rant. HELMETS! There are far too many people who do not use helmets. Every day, someone ends up in the hospital as a result of cycling accidents. The ones who wear helmets get considerably less serious injuries. My source: my mum is a nurse at A&E here at the university hospital. PLEASE WEAR A HELMET AND BE CAREFUL IF YOU CYCLE! I know taht it isn't cool but ending up paralysed, in a coma or dead is far worse than enduring not being in the 'cool crowd'.
Rant over.
Next topic: sweets and Swedish food in general.
Bye Banan!
I live in a town called Uppsala. It's a University town with one of the oldest universities in Europe. Lots of students means lots of bicycles! On my way to school it feels like I'm seeing more bicycles than cars which I consider to be a very good thing.
Uppsala has bicycle paths next to the majority of the roads. They are well built and nice to cycle on. It does get confusing in roundabouts and when srossing major roads but i really prefer cycling here compared to Guernsey. There are also paths for cycling in the forest that's close to where I live. I love cycling in the forest. It's just awesome.
I will now take a moment to have a bit of a rant. HELMETS! There are far too many people who do not use helmets. Every day, someone ends up in the hospital as a result of cycling accidents. The ones who wear helmets get considerably less serious injuries. My source: my mum is a nurse at A&E here at the university hospital. PLEASE WEAR A HELMET AND BE CAREFUL IF YOU CYCLE! I know taht it isn't cool but ending up paralysed, in a coma or dead is far worse than enduring not being in the 'cool crowd'.
Rant over.
Next topic: sweets and Swedish food in general.
Bye Banan!
Hello again
I am typing this on my school laptop which is really good.
I have not written in way too long but I am back.
I am loving it here in Sweden. At the moment the weather is pretty miserable but it was really nice throughout September until the end. We've already had frost and that makes the pedals really cold when cycling to school. School is good. Scouts is great! I am going away next weekend and was away last weekend with Scouts.
Speaking of cycling; next post will be on that topic!
Check back soon!
I'll try to write more reguarly!
Bye Banan!
I am typing this on my school laptop which is really good.
I have not written in way too long but I am back.
I am loving it here in Sweden. At the moment the weather is pretty miserable but it was really nice throughout September until the end. We've already had frost and that makes the pedals really cold when cycling to school. School is good. Scouts is great! I am going away next weekend and was away last weekend with Scouts.
Speaking of cycling; next post will be on that topic!
Check back soon!
I'll try to write more reguarly!
Bye Banan!
Monday, 2 September 2013
I know I haven't written enough lately but I've been busy and have not had an ounce of inspiration. School is going really well. I love the school and I've made some new friends. I'm still in contact with my Guernsey buddies and one of them (who has a blog called georgiabrouard@blogspot.com) told me to update this blog. I don't know how much I have said about my school. I go to Katedralskolan in Uppsala. I am doing Pre-DP for the IB at the moment. It's too boring to explain what that is. It's great so far though. This is the third week and my class is really great. We are so international that we could have like a mini-UN. I will now list some of the languages people in my class speak;
Flemish (methinks)
One of our mentors is a Spanish teacher and he listed the languages he has studied. It involved; Spanish, English, Swedish, French, German, Arabic etc.
My friends are very entertained at the thought of my previous school. It was perhaps slightly different.
My school is named after the big Cathedral. It was called a Katedral when it was built but is now a DomKyrka. Uppsala is the seat of the archbishop of Sweden. All the places with Domkyrkor have bishops but Uppsala has the Archbishop. 'Cos we the best. My friends claims that Uppsala is a suburb of Stockholm because Stockholms local traffic runs trains to Uppsala. Meh. I don't agree but anyway. I'm meeting up friends after school on Thursday when we finish at 11.20. We start at 9.00 and finish at 11.20 every other Thursday. The other weeks we have lab sessions and then I finish at like 13.30. I love that timetable. It would be unheard of at my old school. Mwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I don't really have anything else to say. Well I do but I don't think I should treat you to an essay like I did with my friends yesterday. They were amused.
Bye banan!
I know I haven't written enough lately but I've been busy and have not had an ounce of inspiration. School is going really well. I love the school and I've made some new friends. I'm still in contact with my Guernsey buddies and one of them (who has a blog called georgiabrouard@blogspot.com) told me to update this blog. I don't know how much I have said about my school. I go to Katedralskolan in Uppsala. I am doing Pre-DP for the IB at the moment. It's too boring to explain what that is. It's great so far though. This is the third week and my class is really great. We are so international that we could have like a mini-UN. I will now list some of the languages people in my class speak;
Flemish (methinks)
One of our mentors is a Spanish teacher and he listed the languages he has studied. It involved; Spanish, English, Swedish, French, German, Arabic etc.
My friends are very entertained at the thought of my previous school. It was perhaps slightly different.
My school is named after the big Cathedral. It was called a Katedral when it was built but is now a DomKyrka. Uppsala is the seat of the archbishop of Sweden. All the places with Domkyrkor have bishops but Uppsala has the Archbishop. 'Cos we the best. My friends claims that Uppsala is a suburb of Stockholm because Stockholms local traffic runs trains to Uppsala. Meh. I don't agree but anyway. I'm meeting up friends after school on Thursday when we finish at 11.20. We start at 9.00 and finish at 11.20 every other Thursday. The other weeks we have lab sessions and then I finish at like 13.30. I love that timetable. It would be unheard of at my old school. Mwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I don't really have anything else to say. Well I do but I don't think I should treat you to an essay like I did with my friends yesterday. They were amused.
Bye banan!
Monday, 26 August 2013
I got my GCSE results last thursday emailed to me. Note the poor grammar. I have my A* in English language now. I don't need to use proper grammar. I am very happy to have achieved 1A*, 7As and 2Bs.
Hope everyone receiving results did well.
Bye banan!
I got my GCSE results last thursday emailed to me. Note the poor grammar. I have my A* in English language now. I don't need to use proper grammar. I am very happy to have achieved 1A*, 7As and 2Bs.
Hope everyone receiving results did well.
Bye banan!
So I haven't been on here for ages. Sorry!
School Is awesome and so is Sweden in general. I love it here!
I was at a friend's house this past weekend which was great.
Swedish lessons are fun. We have been doing runes and the general history of the language. It's really interesting.
My class is epically international.
There are people who have lived in Bosnia, Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Russia etc.
I have the same physics book as last year. It will be pretty boring i'm sure.
Bye banan!
So I haven't been on here for ages. Sorry!
School Is awesome and so is Sweden in general. I love it here!
I was at a friend's house this past weekend which was great.
Swedish lessons are fun. We have been doing runes and the general history of the language. It's really interesting.
My class is epically international.
There are people who have lived in Bosnia, Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Russia etc.
I have the same physics book as last year. It will be pretty boring i'm sure.
Bye banan!
Monday, 19 August 2013
First day at school
Today was my first day at gymnasiet. I will be doing the IB programme.
The school I go to is enormous. IB is not the only programme. There is also a humanities programme, a science programme, a children and free time programme and a social sciences programme. There are three year groups so you can see that it's a big school.
I was really nervous. I saw that some people already knew each other which made me even more nervous. My class is great though. The girls outnumber the boys. Our mentors seem really nice too. We got our timetables today. We start and finish at different times every day which is cool. I don't know what else to say at the moment so.....
Bye banan!
Today was my first day at gymnasiet. I will be doing the IB programme.
The school I go to is enormous. IB is not the only programme. There is also a humanities programme, a science programme, a children and free time programme and a social sciences programme. There are three year groups so you can see that it's a big school.
I was really nervous. I saw that some people already knew each other which made me even more nervous. My class is great though. The girls outnumber the boys. Our mentors seem really nice too. We got our timetables today. We start and finish at different times every day which is cool. I don't know what else to say at the moment so.....
Bye banan!
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Nervous excitement
I start school tomorrow. Exciting! I've got all the stuff that I need, hopefully. 🎒
I'm happy because I've been looking forward to starting gymnasiet for ages.
I get to study Swedish for the first time since year 1, which should be interesting. 📝
Only one of my three fountain pens is working at the moment. Very annoying. ✒ I think most people use pencils anyway ✏
Wish me luck for tomorrow!
Bye banan!
I start school tomorrow. Exciting! I've got all the stuff that I need, hopefully. 🎒
I'm happy because I've been looking forward to starting gymnasiet for ages.
I get to study Swedish for the first time since year 1, which should be interesting. 📝
Only one of my three fountain pens is working at the moment. Very annoying. ✒ I think most people use pencils anyway ✏
Wish me luck for tomorrow!
Bye banan!
Thursday, 15 August 2013
I got to Sweden yesterday :)
I have now sorted out my room at the house we're staying at for the next couple of months. I've found a few shelves and drawers in various places for my clothes and my suitcases are under the bed with various things still in them. My room is presentable now though but I'm really looking forward to December when we move into our apartment. It's going to great!
So, entertaining stuff that happened during the trip.
1. My bags were too heavy. One was 20kg and the other was 24.9kg. Luckily mum had lighter bags and could take some of my stuff. She did end up with a hand luggage bag of a similar mass to a bag of cement in her view but oh well.
2. The bus driver at Gatwick took everyone from the Guernsey flight we were on to the wrong place. We ended up in domestic arrivals instead of international arrivals. We had to take the bus back to the right place as that was where our bags were and we had to go through passport control. It's good arriving from Guernsey at Gatwick because you just hand in your boarding card and get to skip the queues.
What was the third entertaining thing? Oh yeah.....
3. I missed the train today! I booked a ticket on the machine for 12.11 to the place where my best friend lives. I then ran to the platform and when I got up there the train was just leaving. I was very annoyed. The one time the train leaves on time, I miss it. I then got another ticket for the next train which was at 13.11 so I had to wait around for ages. I did end up in the right place in the end but I barely recognised the area around the train station from when I lived there because there are so many new buildings. It was fun though.
GCSE results are out next Thursday. It will be interesting to see what I got. They don't matter for me but I still worked really hard so I want to know.
Bye banan!
I got to Sweden yesterday :)
I have now sorted out my room at the house we're staying at for the next couple of months. I've found a few shelves and drawers in various places for my clothes and my suitcases are under the bed with various things still in them. My room is presentable now though but I'm really looking forward to December when we move into our apartment. It's going to great!
So, entertaining stuff that happened during the trip.
1. My bags were too heavy. One was 20kg and the other was 24.9kg. Luckily mum had lighter bags and could take some of my stuff. She did end up with a hand luggage bag of a similar mass to a bag of cement in her view but oh well.
2. The bus driver at Gatwick took everyone from the Guernsey flight we were on to the wrong place. We ended up in domestic arrivals instead of international arrivals. We had to take the bus back to the right place as that was where our bags were and we had to go through passport control. It's good arriving from Guernsey at Gatwick because you just hand in your boarding card and get to skip the queues.
What was the third entertaining thing? Oh yeah.....
3. I missed the train today! I booked a ticket on the machine for 12.11 to the place where my best friend lives. I then ran to the platform and when I got up there the train was just leaving. I was very annoyed. The one time the train leaves on time, I miss it. I then got another ticket for the next train which was at 13.11 so I had to wait around for ages. I did end up in the right place in the end but I barely recognised the area around the train station from when I lived there because there are so many new buildings. It was fun though.
GCSE results are out next Thursday. It will be interesting to see what I got. They don't matter for me but I still worked really hard so I want to know.
Bye banan!
Saturday, 10 August 2013
Of rafts and teddybears
It was the harbour carnival yesterday. A great event with lots of stalls, food and fun. The main attraction is normally the man powered flight. The goal of the man powered flight is to reach Herm. It's very entertaining because most of the entries simply jump and don't get any flight time in. There is also a tug of war at the mouth of the harbour with one team ending up in the water each time. There is a ladies dinghy race, which I was roped into along with some friends at the last minute last year as a scouts team. The raft races are also very entertaining. The emergency services have raft races. This year entertainment value was added by the fire truck soaking the participants. 'twas most amusing.
It was the harbour carnival yesterday. A great event with lots of stalls, food and fun. The main attraction is normally the man powered flight. The goal of the man powered flight is to reach Herm. It's very entertaining because most of the entries simply jump and don't get any flight time in. There is also a tug of war at the mouth of the harbour with one team ending up in the water each time. There is a ladies dinghy race, which I was roped into along with some friends at the last minute last year as a scouts team. The raft races are also very entertaining. The emergency services have raft races. This year entertainment value was added by the fire truck soaking the participants. 'twas most amusing.
Sad goodbyes
I'm leaving Guernsey in a couple of days to move back to Sweden. As I've said earlier on here it's been very chaotic with all the packing and I've been very tired. It's very surprising how much stuff two people have when it's all packed up in boxes. Also, I officially hate cubic foot. Working it out is way too confusing and weird.
Anyway, I wanted to write about saying goodbye. Today I said goodbye to a friend of mine who has been an awesome friend to me for the past couple of years. A few days ago I went to a BBQ at a friends house which turned out to be a leaving BBQ for me. My friends are awesome and I'm going to miss them so much. I didn't quite realise how much until they showed me a video they had made which almost made me cry. Luckily we have Facebook, Skype, Email etc. to stay in touch with.
I'm still really excited to go back to Sweden but I've realised that I'm really going to miss all my friends.
Bye Banan!
I'm leaving Guernsey in a couple of days to move back to Sweden. As I've said earlier on here it's been very chaotic with all the packing and I've been very tired. It's very surprising how much stuff two people have when it's all packed up in boxes. Also, I officially hate cubic foot. Working it out is way too confusing and weird.
Anyway, I wanted to write about saying goodbye. Today I said goodbye to a friend of mine who has been an awesome friend to me for the past couple of years. A few days ago I went to a BBQ at a friends house which turned out to be a leaving BBQ for me. My friends are awesome and I'm going to miss them so much. I didn't quite realise how much until they showed me a video they had made which almost made me cry. Luckily we have Facebook, Skype, Email etc. to stay in touch with.
I'm still really excited to go back to Sweden but I've realised that I'm really going to miss all my friends.
Bye Banan!
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
I have almost finished packing.
Yesterday I had one bag weighing 17kg and one weighing 22kg. Today, despite putting some of the stuff in removal boxes, I have one bag weighing 21kg and one weighing 19kg. It doesn't quite add up because the total yesterday was 39kg and today it's 40kg.
If I had tried checking them as 17kg and 22 kg respectively I would have asked to repack at the airport. I don't understand the point of this because it is still the same total mass. Oh well, at least we're not flying with that lovely budget airline *******. Rant over.
I leave the island in a week and I'm very excited!
Bye Banan!
I have almost finished packing.
Yesterday I had one bag weighing 17kg and one weighing 22kg. Today, despite putting some of the stuff in removal boxes, I have one bag weighing 21kg and one weighing 19kg. It doesn't quite add up because the total yesterday was 39kg and today it's 40kg.
If I had tried checking them as 17kg and 22 kg respectively I would have asked to repack at the airport. I don't understand the point of this because it is still the same total mass. Oh well, at least we're not flying with that lovely budget airline *******. Rant over.
I leave the island in a week and I'm very excited!
Bye Banan!
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Two weeks
It is two weeks (which autocorrect wanted to change to weekends before I changed the language) until I start my new school in Sweden. I am very excited! My new school is absolutely massive compared to my current school. I will no longer have a school uniform (worth going just for that) and I will be studying Swedish for the first time since I was eight (nervous about that part).
I'm obviously sad about leaving Guernsey (well my friends) although there are some aspects I won't miss (*cough* constant roadworks *cough*).
I just had an idea for a new post so check back soon and it should be up.
Bye banan!
P.S. it would be greatly appreciated if You could go and like my Facebook page :)
It is two weeks (which autocorrect wanted to change to weekends before I changed the language) until I start my new school in Sweden. I am very excited! My new school is absolutely massive compared to my current school. I will no longer have a school uniform (worth going just for that) and I will be studying Swedish for the first time since I was eight (nervous about that part).
I'm obviously sad about leaving Guernsey (well my friends) although there are some aspects I won't miss (*cough* constant roadworks *cough*).
I just had an idea for a new post so check back soon and it should be up.
Bye banan!
P.S. it would be greatly appreciated if You could go and like my Facebook page :)
Monday, 29 July 2013
Back in Guernsey
I'm back!
Sunday was fun. Woke up in Germany, had breakfast in Belgium, lunch and dinner in France and went to bed in Guernsey. It was interesting.
Now I'm back in Guernsey for about two weeks. I've got to pack the rest of my stuff but I'm still really tired after night sailing. My body clock is all messed up from night sailing still.
I took some photos of the Normandy bridge which I might upload later.
I don't have anything interesting to say now so I'll sign off.
Bye banan!
I'm back!
Sunday was fun. Woke up in Germany, had breakfast in Belgium, lunch and dinner in France and went to bed in Guernsey. It was interesting.
Now I'm back in Guernsey for about two weeks. I've got to pack the rest of my stuff but I'm still really tired after night sailing. My body clock is all messed up from night sailing still.
I took some photos of the Normandy bridge which I might upload later.
I don't have anything interesting to say now so I'll sign off.
Bye banan!
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Oskar is coming
I will first explain the title.
There was some thunder and lighting today where we were in Germany. Thunder in Swedish is åska. My first memory of thunder is my older sister telling me that thunder happens when a man called Oskar is angry and marching around. I believe her.
So today I woke up in Sweden, took the ferry to Germany and will be sleeping in Germany. Tomorrow I will be returning to Guernsey.
You may remember that I was really excited about a sailing course on a tall ship. It was awesome!
It's absolutely boiling here. More than 30 degrees Celsius. Way too hot!
Bye banan!
I will first explain the title.
There was some thunder and lighting today where we were in Germany. Thunder in Swedish is åska. My first memory of thunder is my older sister telling me that thunder happens when a man called Oskar is angry and marching around. I believe her.
So today I woke up in Sweden, took the ferry to Germany and will be sleeping in Germany. Tomorrow I will be returning to Guernsey.
You may remember that I was really excited about a sailing course on a tall ship. It was awesome!
It's absolutely boiling here. More than 30 degrees Celsius. Way too hot!
Bye banan!
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Sunsets and sunrises at sea
When I was on my tallship sailing course we did some night sailing (awesomeness) and this meant that we got to see some epic sunsets and sunrises. I will now treat you to photos of this epicness.
When I was on my tallship sailing course we did some night sailing (awesomeness) and this meant that we got to see some epic sunsets and sunrises. I will now treat you to photos of this epicness.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
I haven't posted in absolutely ages! I have a very good excuse though because I have been at sea for ten days on a tallship. Awesomeness! We did night sailing and had loads of fun but I am now exhausted. I did take some good photos of sunsets and sunrises though which I will be uploading when I have access to a computer as they are on my camera.
Sweden is so beautiful at sea!
Bye Banan!
I haven't posted in absolutely ages! I have a very good excuse though because I have been at sea for ten days on a tallship. Awesomeness! We did night sailing and had loads of fun but I am now exhausted. I did take some good photos of sunsets and sunrises though which I will be uploading when I have access to a computer as they are on my camera.
Sweden is so beautiful at sea!
Bye Banan!
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Lots of countries
Hallo the time is 11.46 and I am in the Netherlands. We're on our way from France to Germany. So far today I have been in France, Belgium and the Netherlands. We'll soon be in Germany and today we're going to Sweden. So exciting!
The most exciting part is that I'm going on a sailing course on a tall ship for ten days in Sweden for ten days. Which is likely to mean no blogging.
When I actually get to the hotel and can post this I will upload a photo from each of the countries we've been in today. Unfortunately they're not very good quality because mum is against opening the window when we're going at 130km/h. Still there should be some cool ones of the epic bridge in Normandy.
After my sailing course we're going up to where we used to live in Sweden. This means I get to see my best friend (hopefully) who I haven't seen since Christmas. Yay!
I might carry this on when I actually post it later. Good day!
It's Thursday morning and I still don't have wifi. Hmph!
It's beautiful here in Rostock. I took some photos that I'll post separately because they're on mum's phone.
We're going on the ferry to Sweden today and driving up to the town where my sailing course starts TOMORROW.
I will post this when I have wifi.
It is 11.58 on Friday the 12th and I am in Rostock mit my mother. We haven't found any wifi yet and mum is getting desperate. It's very amusing. It took about an hour to find the city centre even with a satnav. Here comes
mum. Better put my phone away.
She's left again. There is some awesome architecture here. I'll post photos later when I have wifi. It will probably be tomorrow at the hotel in Sweden.
I don't know what this post is about anymore.
It's really funny driving with a Guernsey car because they have weird number plates. Guernsey is the only place in the world that has only numbers on the number plates. It's brilliant because people have no idea where it's from.
Also our car is packed to the brim with vacuum packed clothes. It looks pretty funny.
Bye Banan!
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Photos (hopefully)
This is my attempt to upload photos to this blog. Please leave a comment to tell me if it works or not as sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. All of these photos are on my Facebook page which is called thoughtsofaswedemovinghome so if you can't see them on here go there.
Here goes nothing
This is my attempt to upload photos to this blog. Please leave a comment to tell me if it works or not as sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. All of these photos are on my Facebook page which is called thoughtsofaswedemovinghome so if you can't see them on here go there.
Here goes nothing
Monday, 8 July 2013
I am officially done with compulsory education. It doesn't feel like anything has really changed though. My exams finished almost a whole month ago and my last lesson was in early may. Mum and I have been packing today. We're leaving on Wednesday to go to Sweden and are bringing a lot of stuff for the move at this point for various reasons. We have too much stuff, it's official after today.
We've vacuum packed a lot of our clothes. It's really cool to watch because the clothes really decrease a lot in size. It is quite weird to see my prom dress vacuum packed though.
We also went shopping and did some recycling. I was tired when I woke up so now I'm exhausted. Not physically more mentally. It's quite mentally taxing to pack the room you've lived in for eight years. Despite the fact that I never wanted to live here in the first place, I'm going to miss it.
I was asked a week ago after commemoration how it feels to be 'finally free'. I wasn't sure at the time and I'm still not sure. I'm going to miss my friends but at the same time I've never felt like I actually fit in here. I won't miss getting lost in the identical looking lanes every other day. I certainly won't miss school uniform. At the same time it's going to be strange to not wear school uniform. In short, I don't know how to feel about leaving Guernsey. I'm happy but sad at the same time.
Plenty of people have asked me if I'm excited to move to Sweden. My immediate answer is always a big grin. I'm so excited. That was why I started this blog. It was for me to record my feelings about moving home and hopefully offer some insights on the differences between these two wonderful countries.
So yeh, same thing tomorrow I guess. Pack the last stuff, find some wellies and hopefully we'll start packing the car so that Wednesday isn't too stressful.
Thanks for reading this blog. I'm now going to post some photos from Jersey zoo on my Facebook page (thoughtsofaswedemovinghome) so please go check that out because I think I got some cute pics.
Bye Banan!
I am officially done with compulsory education. It doesn't feel like anything has really changed though. My exams finished almost a whole month ago and my last lesson was in early may. Mum and I have been packing today. We're leaving on Wednesday to go to Sweden and are bringing a lot of stuff for the move at this point for various reasons. We have too much stuff, it's official after today.
We've vacuum packed a lot of our clothes. It's really cool to watch because the clothes really decrease a lot in size. It is quite weird to see my prom dress vacuum packed though.
We also went shopping and did some recycling. I was tired when I woke up so now I'm exhausted. Not physically more mentally. It's quite mentally taxing to pack the room you've lived in for eight years. Despite the fact that I never wanted to live here in the first place, I'm going to miss it.
I was asked a week ago after commemoration how it feels to be 'finally free'. I wasn't sure at the time and I'm still not sure. I'm going to miss my friends but at the same time I've never felt like I actually fit in here. I won't miss getting lost in the identical looking lanes every other day. I certainly won't miss school uniform. At the same time it's going to be strange to not wear school uniform. In short, I don't know how to feel about leaving Guernsey. I'm happy but sad at the same time.
Plenty of people have asked me if I'm excited to move to Sweden. My immediate answer is always a big grin. I'm so excited. That was why I started this blog. It was for me to record my feelings about moving home and hopefully offer some insights on the differences between these two wonderful countries.
So yeh, same thing tomorrow I guess. Pack the last stuff, find some wellies and hopefully we'll start packing the car so that Wednesday isn't too stressful.
Thanks for reading this blog. I'm now going to post some photos from Jersey zoo on my Facebook page (thoughtsofaswedemovinghome) so please go check that out because I think I got some cute pics.
Bye Banan!
Sunday, 7 July 2013
I came back from a weekend trip to Jersey a few hours ago. I went with three friends. It was the first time we went on a trip completely by ourselves so that was exciting. I've uploaded photos of Elizabeth castle and from the beach on my Facebook page (thoughtsofaswedemovinghome). I'll probably upload them on here when I have access to a computer that cooperates with this website (that I am technically competent enough to figure out).
We went to the cinema, shopping and the Zoo. It was very fun. Kinda bittersweet because I won't see those friends much more before I move (I think they're relieved).
Also, there was a group of people our age who we kept seeing. It was a large group of Danes and Swedes. It was quite funny at the Zoo when they looked surprised at someone talking to them in Swedish. Also, a group of leaders were walking in front of us talking in Swedish with no idea that I could understand every word they said.
I think that's enough rambling for today so good night and
Bye Banan!
I came back from a weekend trip to Jersey a few hours ago. I went with three friends. It was the first time we went on a trip completely by ourselves so that was exciting. I've uploaded photos of Elizabeth castle and from the beach on my Facebook page (thoughtsofaswedemovinghome). I'll probably upload them on here when I have access to a computer that cooperates with this website (that I am technically competent enough to figure out).
We went to the cinema, shopping and the Zoo. It was very fun. Kinda bittersweet because I won't see those friends much more before I move (I think they're relieved).
Also, there was a group of people our age who we kept seeing. It was a large group of Danes and Swedes. It was quite funny at the Zoo when they looked surprised at someone talking to them in Swedish. Also, a group of leaders were walking in front of us talking in Swedish with no idea that I could understand every word they said.
I think that's enough rambling for today so good night and
Bye Banan!
More photos
My iPad is not cooperating with my attempts to put photos up. I will keep trying but for now I'm uploading photos on my Facebook page. There are photos from Guernsey, Jersey etc.
I'm going to keep trying to upload photos on here but if you want to see some photos of two beautiful islands, they are on my Facebook page. It's called thoughtsofaswedemovinghome. If you hit the lonely like button, you'll be updated when I put more photos and posts up.
Thanks for reading my blog!
Bye banan!
My iPad is not cooperating with my attempts to put photos up. I will keep trying but for now I'm uploading photos on my Facebook page. There are photos from Guernsey, Jersey etc.
I'm going to keep trying to upload photos on here but if you want to see some photos of two beautiful islands, they are on my Facebook page. It's called thoughtsofaswedemovinghome. If you hit the lonely like button, you'll be updated when I put more photos and posts up.
Thanks for reading my blog!
Bye banan!
Monday, 1 July 2013
The return of the fog
I know I've already written about fog on this blog but it is annoying me again. My dad was in London this weekend, supposed to return this morning. Fog!
We had lovely weather last week (of course I didn't not get burnt mum) with lots of sun and warmth, for what feels like the first time this year.
Then came the fog.
This is the problem with living on an island. The planes depend on there not being any fog so that they can fly. Although a positive is that when we had the ash cloud from Iceland our planes could still fly because they fly much lower than normal planes, courtesy of their small size.
The ferry depends on the seas being calm as they would probably roll on wet grass. This is not ideal in the English Channel, where the D-Day landing convoys had to be delayed due to choppy seas. Storms are frequent in winter (erm all year long) and fog is a constant menace.......
So I'm waiting for my dad to hopefully make it back today. After all, it would be tragic if he missed my last commemoration service with school.....
Bye banan!
P.S. check out these awesome blogs
I know I've already written about fog on this blog but it is annoying me again. My dad was in London this weekend, supposed to return this morning. Fog!
We had lovely weather last week (of course I didn't not get burnt mum) with lots of sun and warmth, for what feels like the first time this year.
Then came the fog.
This is the problem with living on an island. The planes depend on there not being any fog so that they can fly. Although a positive is that when we had the ash cloud from Iceland our planes could still fly because they fly much lower than normal planes, courtesy of their small size.
The ferry depends on the seas being calm as they would probably roll on wet grass. This is not ideal in the English Channel, where the D-Day landing convoys had to be delayed due to choppy seas. Storms are frequent in winter (erm all year long) and fog is a constant menace.......
So I'm waiting for my dad to hopefully make it back today. After all, it would be tragic if he missed my last commemoration service with school.....
Bye banan!
P.S. check out these awesome blogs
Seafront Sunday
So last post was about the cage fighting on Saturday. This post should be about Seafront Sunday.
Four Sundays every summer the island has a Seafront Sunday. It's supposed to be the first Sunday of each month but neither one has been so far. In my experience they always coincide with at least one cruise liner being present off the coast of St Peter Port.
So anyway, people have stalls along the seafront where they sell things like antiques, jewellery, food etc.
The catering company I work for basically does a promotion of Guernsey produce. One stall had a sausage making competition for visitors. Another was teaching people how to cook mussels. The stall I was at (with 9 other people for some reason, we had 5 last time) was giving away freebies of cold leek and potato soup (can't spell the French name), Guernsey cheese, Guernsey peppers and basil (for some reason). Ten people were doing this.
The soup wasn't well received at all last time. People heard the word soup and ran for the woods. That's a joke, we don't have any woods on Guernsey. Yesterday the weather wasn't great so people were more willing to try the soup. Towards the end we put cups of soup on trays and walked around trying to get people to have some soup.
We also had cheese of four types.... We were only giving away free samples but people kept asking how much it was and trying to buy packets. We kept directing them to the only little supermarket in town open on a Sunday. We did actually check that they had the cheese after directing what felt like a million tourists to the shop. Luckily they did sell it. If they didn't, that would have been bad. Someone asked if they sell Guernsey cheese in the US. I replied that I haven't been there (that I remember) so I don't know. I then added that they probably export it to the UK but probably not to Jersey.
We also had peppers. Red, green, orange and yellow Guernsey grown peppers. They are absolutely delicious. We also had a herby mayonnaise to go with the peppers. Apparently it was delicious. We had loads of peppers.
We used up all of the soup yesterday. We also used up all of the cheese. However we were nowhere near using up all of the peppers or Basil.
Yes, Basil. We had bowls of Basil which we trying to get people to take samples of Basil from. We didn't understand why we were giving out basil. My friend ended up going round all the stalls and asking people to buy packets of basil for charity. She did get rid of about half the box.
I like working on seafront Sundays because last time we got to take cheese and peppers home and this time we were allowed a pack of basil each. Free food!
In other news I now have blisters on my feet from walking around in uncomfortable shoes on Saturday night at the cage fighting and yesterday. Add that to the blister on my thumb from Friday and the lack of blister plasters in this house, I am not a happy funny (a phrase my old physics teacher used to use).
Bye banan!
So last post was about the cage fighting on Saturday. This post should be about Seafront Sunday.
Four Sundays every summer the island has a Seafront Sunday. It's supposed to be the first Sunday of each month but neither one has been so far. In my experience they always coincide with at least one cruise liner being present off the coast of St Peter Port.
So anyway, people have stalls along the seafront where they sell things like antiques, jewellery, food etc.
The catering company I work for basically does a promotion of Guernsey produce. One stall had a sausage making competition for visitors. Another was teaching people how to cook mussels. The stall I was at (with 9 other people for some reason, we had 5 last time) was giving away freebies of cold leek and potato soup (can't spell the French name), Guernsey cheese, Guernsey peppers and basil (for some reason). Ten people were doing this.
The soup wasn't well received at all last time. People heard the word soup and ran for the woods. That's a joke, we don't have any woods on Guernsey. Yesterday the weather wasn't great so people were more willing to try the soup. Towards the end we put cups of soup on trays and walked around trying to get people to have some soup.
We also had cheese of four types.... We were only giving away free samples but people kept asking how much it was and trying to buy packets. We kept directing them to the only little supermarket in town open on a Sunday. We did actually check that they had the cheese after directing what felt like a million tourists to the shop. Luckily they did sell it. If they didn't, that would have been bad. Someone asked if they sell Guernsey cheese in the US. I replied that I haven't been there (that I remember) so I don't know. I then added that they probably export it to the UK but probably not to Jersey.
We also had peppers. Red, green, orange and yellow Guernsey grown peppers. They are absolutely delicious. We also had a herby mayonnaise to go with the peppers. Apparently it was delicious. We had loads of peppers.
We used up all of the soup yesterday. We also used up all of the cheese. However we were nowhere near using up all of the peppers or Basil.
Yes, Basil. We had bowls of Basil which we trying to get people to take samples of Basil from. We didn't understand why we were giving out basil. My friend ended up going round all the stalls and asking people to buy packets of basil for charity. She did get rid of about half the box.
I like working on seafront Sundays because last time we got to take cheese and peppers home and this time we were allowed a pack of basil each. Free food!
In other news I now have blisters on my feet from walking around in uncomfortable shoes on Saturday night at the cage fighting and yesterday. Add that to the blister on my thumb from Friday and the lack of blister plasters in this house, I am not a happy funny (a phrase my old physics teacher used to use).
Bye banan!
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Health and Safety
Health and safety is very big here in Guernsey.
At school we were not allowed to cross the road for drama classes in the community centre without a teacher during school hours for health and safety reasons. Although some of my friends and I came to the conclusion that it was more because they don't want to be blamed for anything.
I find it fascinating that a group of fifteen year olds were not permitted to cross a road by themselves when the school has nothing against the majority crossing that same road before and after school at times when it is exceedingly more busy.
When I did the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award last year my friend was not allowed to use her petrol stove for health and safety reasons, basically she didn't have a certificate saying that she knew how to use it from the DofE organisation.
I can't remember the point of this post anymore.....
Oh yes, inconsistencies.
I already mentioned my (soon former) school not letting us cross the road. This same school has mould in the classrooms. A set of outside steps have been fenced off for most of the year because they were unsafe. Last year my year had a locker hut. This hut had a very strange floor which made it very easy to trip..... Where was health and safety? We were not allowed to sit on the equipment in the gym before a teacher came. At the same time the school is so badly built that a small part of the roof fell in when there was (guernsey amounts of) snow.
In order to stop my mum from complaining about me being too negative about my school I will wrote this next bit.
Despite all the problems with the building the school is still ranked outstanding and manages to churn out great results in exams. Also they are improving the school. Last summer the new art and drama block was finished and some time before that the new sixth form centre was built. They're also revamping the outside of the building to make it look fresher etc. (happy mum?)
Oh yes, main point of post......
I was at work today and was very surprised that a place with so much health and safety allowed the activity that was taking place.
(I work for a catering company.)
The activity was cage fighting.....
A place where fifteen year olds may not cross the road by themselves allows cage fighting
Did I get my point across?
Bye banan!
Health and safety is very big here in Guernsey.
At school we were not allowed to cross the road for drama classes in the community centre without a teacher during school hours for health and safety reasons. Although some of my friends and I came to the conclusion that it was more because they don't want to be blamed for anything.
I find it fascinating that a group of fifteen year olds were not permitted to cross a road by themselves when the school has nothing against the majority crossing that same road before and after school at times when it is exceedingly more busy.
When I did the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award last year my friend was not allowed to use her petrol stove for health and safety reasons, basically she didn't have a certificate saying that she knew how to use it from the DofE organisation.
I can't remember the point of this post anymore.....
Oh yes, inconsistencies.
I already mentioned my (soon former) school not letting us cross the road. This same school has mould in the classrooms. A set of outside steps have been fenced off for most of the year because they were unsafe. Last year my year had a locker hut. This hut had a very strange floor which made it very easy to trip..... Where was health and safety? We were not allowed to sit on the equipment in the gym before a teacher came. At the same time the school is so badly built that a small part of the roof fell in when there was (guernsey amounts of) snow.
In order to stop my mum from complaining about me being too negative about my school I will wrote this next bit.
Despite all the problems with the building the school is still ranked outstanding and manages to churn out great results in exams. Also they are improving the school. Last summer the new art and drama block was finished and some time before that the new sixth form centre was built. They're also revamping the outside of the building to make it look fresher etc. (happy mum?)
Oh yes, main point of post......
I was at work today and was very surprised that a place with so much health and safety allowed the activity that was taking place.
(I work for a catering company.)
The activity was cage fighting.....
A place where fifteen year olds may not cross the road by themselves allows cage fighting
Did I get my point across?
Bye banan!
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Today was a good day. I did virtually nothing. I went for a long bike ride yesterday. My route was cut short by the abundance of road closures. Seriously it's like they like digging up roads for a couple of weeks and then filling the hole back in. Sometimes they close the roads just for the fun of it, it seems. Perelle Coast Road actually has a reason for being closed because they're repairing the sea wall. It was badly damaged in a storm last autumn.
Anyway back to what I was saying. The bike ride was lovely and long. I didn't need to use google maps at all because I didn't get lost. Google maps is brilliant. I don't know what I would do without it. But all in all I haven't been doing much.
Back to the topic of this post (I ramble when I'm tired), I went to scouts today at Fort Grey for beach competitions. Fort Grey is a decent distance from my house. I cycled there with my dad. I then had a great time as usual. We did a race with an inflatable object. My group had a dinghy and the other group had my shark. Every member of the group had to hold on to the dinghy/shark for the duration of the race which was to a boat and back. We then did 'synchronised' swimming. The other team made up their routine on the spot. Very entertaining. Ours was too short, according to them. We them jumped in the sea. It was a long jump competition and the water was
very mucky.
We then got dried changed and I started my bike ride home. I didn't know that it would take two hours. I noticed something was wrong as soon as I started cycling. It was like my back wheel was jumping. It's difficult to describe. There was a weird noise as well. Anyway, I thought it would go away of I carried on cycling. It didn't. I turned off the coast road as soon as I saw a sign saying airport in the hope that I would be able to find a route home that doesn't include the Rohais. Although in hindsight I must say that this hill was worse than the Rohais (which autocorrect wants to correct to rehabs), maybe that was because I walked. When I tried to cycle the back tyre was basically whining. That's what it sounded like. Anyway I walked home. I think I took the longest route possible. I would have called my dad to come pick me up but I didn't know where I was most of the time and I didn't think it would take that long.
I'm glad that out garage is full of bikes because I need my bike, especially now that I'm not in school. Add that to the fact that my mum is away and dad works all day, I need my bike. I'll be using my other bike until we can fix my normal one. That reminds me, I need to take it to a bike store to get the gears fixed pretty soon because I leave in just over two weeks and then my bike will never return here. Mwahaahhahaha.
I'm completely mental.
Thanks for reading.
Bye Banan!
Today was a good day. I did virtually nothing. I went for a long bike ride yesterday. My route was cut short by the abundance of road closures. Seriously it's like they like digging up roads for a couple of weeks and then filling the hole back in. Sometimes they close the roads just for the fun of it, it seems. Perelle Coast Road actually has a reason for being closed because they're repairing the sea wall. It was badly damaged in a storm last autumn.
Anyway back to what I was saying. The bike ride was lovely and long. I didn't need to use google maps at all because I didn't get lost. Google maps is brilliant. I don't know what I would do without it. But all in all I haven't been doing much.
Back to the topic of this post (I ramble when I'm tired), I went to scouts today at Fort Grey for beach competitions. Fort Grey is a decent distance from my house. I cycled there with my dad. I then had a great time as usual. We did a race with an inflatable object. My group had a dinghy and the other group had my shark. Every member of the group had to hold on to the dinghy/shark for the duration of the race which was to a boat and back. We then did 'synchronised' swimming. The other team made up their routine on the spot. Very entertaining. Ours was too short, according to them. We them jumped in the sea. It was a long jump competition and the water was
very mucky.
We then got dried changed and I started my bike ride home. I didn't know that it would take two hours. I noticed something was wrong as soon as I started cycling. It was like my back wheel was jumping. It's difficult to describe. There was a weird noise as well. Anyway, I thought it would go away of I carried on cycling. It didn't. I turned off the coast road as soon as I saw a sign saying airport in the hope that I would be able to find a route home that doesn't include the Rohais. Although in hindsight I must say that this hill was worse than the Rohais (which autocorrect wants to correct to rehabs), maybe that was because I walked. When I tried to cycle the back tyre was basically whining. That's what it sounded like. Anyway I walked home. I think I took the longest route possible. I would have called my dad to come pick me up but I didn't know where I was most of the time and I didn't think it would take that long.
I'm glad that out garage is full of bikes because I need my bike, especially now that I'm not in school. Add that to the fact that my mum is away and dad works all day, I need my bike. I'll be using my other bike until we can fix my normal one. That reminds me, I need to take it to a bike store to get the gears fixed pretty soon because I leave in just over two weeks and then my bike will never return here. Mwahaahhahaha.
I'm completely mental.
Thanks for reading.
Bye Banan!
Saturday, 22 June 2013
As you may know Midsummer's Eve is a big deal in Sweden. We celebrate with maypoles, lots of yummy food, (alcohol) and dancing.
I celebrated by working. I was waitressing at the Midsummer Ball at Government House. I haven't
celebrated Midsummer properly since I lived in Sweden, it feels like. That's probably because I've been in school at the time.
I also made a chocolate cake (kladdkaka) today. I don't know how it tastes but I hope it's good. The photo should be above if my blog is kind.
I'm also going to add a photo of a maypole (midsommarstång?) to my blog at some point
Oh yeh, I officially finish school in a couple of weeks time but I haven't had lessons since early may and my last exam was almost two weeks ago. Yippee!
Bye banan!
As you may know Midsummer's Eve is a big deal in Sweden. We celebrate with maypoles, lots of yummy food, (alcohol) and dancing.
I celebrated by working. I was waitressing at the Midsummer Ball at Government House. I haven't
celebrated Midsummer properly since I lived in Sweden, it feels like. That's probably because I've been in school at the time.
I also made a chocolate cake (kladdkaka) today. I don't know how it tastes but I hope it's good. The photo should be above if my blog is kind.
I'm also going to add a photo of a maypole (midsommarstång?) to my blog at some point
Oh yeh, I officially finish school in a couple of weeks time but I haven't had lessons since early may and my last exam was almost two weeks ago. Yippee!
Bye banan!
Thursday, 20 June 2013
The day has arrived
It's my prom today. Well it's a joint prom with the boys college. Yes I go to a private girls school (don't judge me).
I think it's going to be pretty cool because we're having it at a castle.
Some of my friends are coming over beforehand and my older sister has put herself in charge of cocktails etc.
Should be fun.
I'm going to be really tired this weekend because of prom and the fact that I'm working tomorrow. It's a good thing I don't have anything to do.
Bye banan!
It's my prom today. Well it's a joint prom with the boys college. Yes I go to a private girls school (don't judge me).
I think it's going to be pretty cool because we're having it at a castle.
Some of my friends are coming over beforehand and my older sister has put herself in charge of cocktails etc.
Should be fun.
I'm going to be really tired this weekend because of prom and the fact that I'm working tomorrow. It's a good thing I don't have anything to do.
Bye banan!
Saturday, 15 June 2013
My professional photography of Guernsey
So a couple of days ago I went cycling with one of my friends from school, Etta. We were out for about two and a half hours. Apparently I was too fast because I had to keep stopping pretty much every minute. Oh and Etta if you're reading this please leave a comment to tell me if you've recovered yet. Lol. Anyway I had time to take some photos and probably broke the law by taking photos while cycling. Oh well!
Here are some of the photos I took

In other news I only have to wear my school uniform of ugliness three more times. Hooray!
Bye banan!
So a couple of days ago I went cycling with one of my friends from school, Etta. We were out for about two and a half hours. Apparently I was too fast because I had to keep stopping pretty much every minute. Oh and Etta if you're reading this please leave a comment to tell me if you've recovered yet. Lol. Anyway I had time to take some photos and probably broke the law by taking photos while cycling. Oh well!
Here are some of the photos I took
In other news I only have to wear my school uniform of ugliness three more times. Hooray!
Bye banan!
Some thoughts
Yesterday I watched Les Miserables (2012) for the second time. If you haven't seen it do watch it if you get the chance.
I'm not a massive fan of music but Les Mis is my all time favourite musical. I was only ten when we went to see it but I still remember it as being amazing.
I will now post some photos of the south coast of Guernsey which I took when I was there for Scouts a while back;
Yesterday I watched Les Miserables (2012) for the second time. If you haven't seen it do watch it if you get the chance.
I'm not a massive fan of music but Les Mis is my all time favourite musical. I was only ten when we went to see it but I still remember it as being amazing.
I will now post some photos of the south coast of Guernsey which I took when I was there for Scouts a while back;
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