Saturday, 25 October 2014

Ways to procreastinate as an IB student


While trying to study but mainly procrastinating I decided that it would be fun to write a new blog post because why not write something useless when I could be doing my written tasks, revising ESS, doing maths or schoolwork in general?
I guess the answer is that I am officially an IB student now and am becoming a professional at procrastination. I thought it would be fun to write a post about the bane of my existence; procrastination. So here are some ways to procrastinate (when doing homework);

  1. Read something completely irrelevant in the textbook
  2. Plan scout meetings
  3. Clean my room
  4. Do the laundry
  5. Clean the bathroom
  6. Go outside
  7. Go into town
  8. Go running
  9. Group chats on facebook
  10. Watching youtube videos
  11. Writing blog posts
  12. Facebook
  13. TUMBLR
  14. Fangirling
  15. Googling random things
  16. Thinking about studying
  17. Sleeping
  18. Reading
  19. Reading driving booklets
  20. Staring blankly at my computer screen while my will to live steadily decreases
  21. Staring blankly at my computer screen while my chance of passing IB steadily declines
  22. Cooking
  23. Baking
  24. Watching movies
  25. Checking my schedule in the vain hope that i'll somehow stop finishing school at 5 most days
  26. Translating
  27. Counting to 10 in Swedish, English, French, Spanish and German
  28. Reciting Latin verbs
  29. getting annoyed when I don't remember Latin verbs
This is just some of the ways I procrastinate off the top of my head.
I will now go make lunch and read a book instead of studying ESS

Bye banan!