Health and safety is very big here in Guernsey.
At school we were not allowed to cross the road for drama classes in the community centre without a teacher during school hours for health and safety reasons. Although some of my friends and I came to the conclusion that it was more because they don't want to be blamed for anything.
I find it fascinating that a group of fifteen year olds were not permitted to cross a road by themselves when the school has nothing against the majority crossing that same road before and after school at times when it is exceedingly more busy.
When I did the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award last year my friend was not allowed to use her petrol stove for health and safety reasons, basically she didn't have a certificate saying that she knew how to use it from the DofE organisation.
I can't remember the point of this post anymore.....
Oh yes, inconsistencies.
I already mentioned my (soon former) school not letting us cross the road. This same school has mould in the classrooms. A set of outside steps have been fenced off for most of the year because they were unsafe. Last year my year had a locker hut. This hut had a very strange floor which made it very easy to trip..... Where was health and safety? We were not allowed to sit on the equipment in the gym before a teacher came. At the same time the school is so badly built that a small part of the roof fell in when there was (guernsey amounts of) snow.
In order to stop my mum from complaining about me being too negative about my school I will wrote this next bit.
Despite all the problems with the building the school is still ranked outstanding and manages to churn out great results in exams. Also they are improving the school. Last summer the new art and drama block was finished and some time before that the new sixth form centre was built. They're also revamping the outside of the building to make it look fresher etc. (happy mum?)
Oh yes, main point of post......
I was at work today and was very surprised that a place with so much health and safety allowed the activity that was taking place.
(I work for a catering company.)
The activity was cage fighting.....
A place where fifteen year olds may not cross the road by themselves allows cage fighting
Did I get my point across?
Bye banan!
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Today was a good day. I did virtually nothing. I went for a long bike ride yesterday. My route was cut short by the abundance of road closures. Seriously it's like they like digging up roads for a couple of weeks and then filling the hole back in. Sometimes they close the roads just for the fun of it, it seems. Perelle Coast Road actually has a reason for being closed because they're repairing the sea wall. It was badly damaged in a storm last autumn.
Anyway back to what I was saying. The bike ride was lovely and long. I didn't need to use google maps at all because I didn't get lost. Google maps is brilliant. I don't know what I would do without it. But all in all I haven't been doing much.
Back to the topic of this post (I ramble when I'm tired), I went to scouts today at Fort Grey for beach competitions. Fort Grey is a decent distance from my house. I cycled there with my dad. I then had a great time as usual. We did a race with an inflatable object. My group had a dinghy and the other group had my shark. Every member of the group had to hold on to the dinghy/shark for the duration of the race which was to a boat and back. We then did 'synchronised' swimming. The other team made up their routine on the spot. Very entertaining. Ours was too short, according to them. We them jumped in the sea. It was a long jump competition and the water was
very mucky.
We then got dried changed and I started my bike ride home. I didn't know that it would take two hours. I noticed something was wrong as soon as I started cycling. It was like my back wheel was jumping. It's difficult to describe. There was a weird noise as well. Anyway, I thought it would go away of I carried on cycling. It didn't. I turned off the coast road as soon as I saw a sign saying airport in the hope that I would be able to find a route home that doesn't include the Rohais. Although in hindsight I must say that this hill was worse than the Rohais (which autocorrect wants to correct to rehabs), maybe that was because I walked. When I tried to cycle the back tyre was basically whining. That's what it sounded like. Anyway I walked home. I think I took the longest route possible. I would have called my dad to come pick me up but I didn't know where I was most of the time and I didn't think it would take that long.
I'm glad that out garage is full of bikes because I need my bike, especially now that I'm not in school. Add that to the fact that my mum is away and dad works all day, I need my bike. I'll be using my other bike until we can fix my normal one. That reminds me, I need to take it to a bike store to get the gears fixed pretty soon because I leave in just over two weeks and then my bike will never return here. Mwahaahhahaha.
I'm completely mental.
Thanks for reading.
Bye Banan!
Today was a good day. I did virtually nothing. I went for a long bike ride yesterday. My route was cut short by the abundance of road closures. Seriously it's like they like digging up roads for a couple of weeks and then filling the hole back in. Sometimes they close the roads just for the fun of it, it seems. Perelle Coast Road actually has a reason for being closed because they're repairing the sea wall. It was badly damaged in a storm last autumn.
Anyway back to what I was saying. The bike ride was lovely and long. I didn't need to use google maps at all because I didn't get lost. Google maps is brilliant. I don't know what I would do without it. But all in all I haven't been doing much.
Back to the topic of this post (I ramble when I'm tired), I went to scouts today at Fort Grey for beach competitions. Fort Grey is a decent distance from my house. I cycled there with my dad. I then had a great time as usual. We did a race with an inflatable object. My group had a dinghy and the other group had my shark. Every member of the group had to hold on to the dinghy/shark for the duration of the race which was to a boat and back. We then did 'synchronised' swimming. The other team made up their routine on the spot. Very entertaining. Ours was too short, according to them. We them jumped in the sea. It was a long jump competition and the water was
very mucky.
We then got dried changed and I started my bike ride home. I didn't know that it would take two hours. I noticed something was wrong as soon as I started cycling. It was like my back wheel was jumping. It's difficult to describe. There was a weird noise as well. Anyway, I thought it would go away of I carried on cycling. It didn't. I turned off the coast road as soon as I saw a sign saying airport in the hope that I would be able to find a route home that doesn't include the Rohais. Although in hindsight I must say that this hill was worse than the Rohais (which autocorrect wants to correct to rehabs), maybe that was because I walked. When I tried to cycle the back tyre was basically whining. That's what it sounded like. Anyway I walked home. I think I took the longest route possible. I would have called my dad to come pick me up but I didn't know where I was most of the time and I didn't think it would take that long.
I'm glad that out garage is full of bikes because I need my bike, especially now that I'm not in school. Add that to the fact that my mum is away and dad works all day, I need my bike. I'll be using my other bike until we can fix my normal one. That reminds me, I need to take it to a bike store to get the gears fixed pretty soon because I leave in just over two weeks and then my bike will never return here. Mwahaahhahaha.
I'm completely mental.
Thanks for reading.
Bye Banan!
Saturday, 22 June 2013
As you may know Midsummer's Eve is a big deal in Sweden. We celebrate with maypoles, lots of yummy food, (alcohol) and dancing.
I celebrated by working. I was waitressing at the Midsummer Ball at Government House. I haven't
celebrated Midsummer properly since I lived in Sweden, it feels like. That's probably because I've been in school at the time.
I also made a chocolate cake (kladdkaka) today. I don't know how it tastes but I hope it's good. The photo should be above if my blog is kind.
I'm also going to add a photo of a maypole (midsommarstång?) to my blog at some point
Oh yeh, I officially finish school in a couple of weeks time but I haven't had lessons since early may and my last exam was almost two weeks ago. Yippee!
Bye banan!
As you may know Midsummer's Eve is a big deal in Sweden. We celebrate with maypoles, lots of yummy food, (alcohol) and dancing.
I celebrated by working. I was waitressing at the Midsummer Ball at Government House. I haven't
celebrated Midsummer properly since I lived in Sweden, it feels like. That's probably because I've been in school at the time.
I also made a chocolate cake (kladdkaka) today. I don't know how it tastes but I hope it's good. The photo should be above if my blog is kind.
I'm also going to add a photo of a maypole (midsommarstång?) to my blog at some point
Oh yeh, I officially finish school in a couple of weeks time but I haven't had lessons since early may and my last exam was almost two weeks ago. Yippee!
Bye banan!
Thursday, 20 June 2013
The day has arrived
It's my prom today. Well it's a joint prom with the boys college. Yes I go to a private girls school (don't judge me).
I think it's going to be pretty cool because we're having it at a castle.
Some of my friends are coming over beforehand and my older sister has put herself in charge of cocktails etc.
Should be fun.
I'm going to be really tired this weekend because of prom and the fact that I'm working tomorrow. It's a good thing I don't have anything to do.
Bye banan!
It's my prom today. Well it's a joint prom with the boys college. Yes I go to a private girls school (don't judge me).
I think it's going to be pretty cool because we're having it at a castle.
Some of my friends are coming over beforehand and my older sister has put herself in charge of cocktails etc.
Should be fun.
I'm going to be really tired this weekend because of prom and the fact that I'm working tomorrow. It's a good thing I don't have anything to do.
Bye banan!
Saturday, 15 June 2013
My professional photography of Guernsey
So a couple of days ago I went cycling with one of my friends from school, Etta. We were out for about two and a half hours. Apparently I was too fast because I had to keep stopping pretty much every minute. Oh and Etta if you're reading this please leave a comment to tell me if you've recovered yet. Lol. Anyway I had time to take some photos and probably broke the law by taking photos while cycling. Oh well!
Here are some of the photos I took

In other news I only have to wear my school uniform of ugliness three more times. Hooray!
Bye banan!
So a couple of days ago I went cycling with one of my friends from school, Etta. We were out for about two and a half hours. Apparently I was too fast because I had to keep stopping pretty much every minute. Oh and Etta if you're reading this please leave a comment to tell me if you've recovered yet. Lol. Anyway I had time to take some photos and probably broke the law by taking photos while cycling. Oh well!
Here are some of the photos I took
In other news I only have to wear my school uniform of ugliness three more times. Hooray!
Bye banan!
Some thoughts
Yesterday I watched Les Miserables (2012) for the second time. If you haven't seen it do watch it if you get the chance.
I'm not a massive fan of music but Les Mis is my all time favourite musical. I was only ten when we went to see it but I still remember it as being amazing.
I will now post some photos of the south coast of Guernsey which I took when I was there for Scouts a while back;
Yesterday I watched Les Miserables (2012) for the second time. If you haven't seen it do watch it if you get the chance.
I'm not a massive fan of music but Les Mis is my all time favourite musical. I was only ten when we went to see it but I still remember it as being amazing.
I will now post some photos of the south coast of Guernsey which I took when I was there for Scouts a while back;
My professional photography from Herm
As I wrote yesterday, I went to Herm yesterday with a friend.
She and another friend have great blogs. Go check them out:
Here are some examples of my professional photography. It's such a shame that IB at my next school doesn't offer photography......
As I wrote yesterday, I went to Herm yesterday with a friend.
She and another friend have great blogs. Go check them out:
Here are some examples of my professional photography. It's such a shame that IB at my next school doesn't offer photography......
Friday, 14 June 2013
My friend Gdog and I went to a tiny island called Herm today, to celebrate the end of exams and beginning of summer. Herm is tiny! It's got about fifty residents. I'll upload some photos if it will work.
What I really wanted to say is that you should check out these two new blogs;
They are both really funny and would appreciate more people checking out their blogs. Georgia also has a YouTube channel which she's posting vlogs on. They should be funny. We filmed some stuff today and she's gonna edit it and upload it. I think her YouTube channel is called Georgia Brouard but you should check out her blog to be sure.
Bye Banan!
My friend Gdog and I went to a tiny island called Herm today, to celebrate the end of exams and beginning of summer. Herm is tiny! It's got about fifty residents. I'll upload some photos if it will work.
What I really wanted to say is that you should check out these two new blogs;
They are both really funny and would appreciate more people checking out their blogs. Georgia also has a YouTube channel which she's posting vlogs on. They should be funny. We filmed some stuff today and she's gonna edit it and upload it. I think her YouTube channel is called Georgia Brouard but you should check out her blog to be sure.
Bye Banan!
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Time off
So I don't have any more school in this country apart from a few things like prize giving. I'm waiting for my friend to finish her last exam and then a group of us are going into town to celebrate. I told my grandma on the phone yesterday that I have study leave and she thought it was a very strange thing that when you've finished your exams you don't have to go into school anymore. Sweden in a month. Awesome!
Bye banan!
So I don't have any more school in this country apart from a few things like prize giving. I'm waiting for my friend to finish her last exam and then a group of us are going into town to celebrate. I told my grandma on the phone yesterday that I have study leave and she thought it was a very strange thing that when you've finished your exams you don't have to go into school anymore. Sweden in a month. Awesome!
Bye banan!
Monday, 10 June 2013
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Two to go
So I've got two exams left. I don't know how they're going to go but I'm happy that they're almost done. In just six days my exams will be finished and I'll be celebrating by doing nothing and not feeling guilty about not revising, for the first time since year six it feels like.
I've been thinking. I know, massive shock.
My school is very exam orientated. To the extent that it drives me up the wall. In years seven, eight, nine and ten we have two sets of internal exams. One exam week in January and one around May time. We have exams in all our subjects (with the exception of drama, music and art) in the space of three days. In year nine we did a massive amount of subjects which meant that we had five exams in one day, methinks. This is all to prepare us for GCSEs. What are GCSEs useful for? They don't prepare you for real life because in real life you are not spoon fed information and then told to regurgitate(sp) it in an exam. Because we have internet. Oh well, rant over.
Anyway, the internal exams are that good as preparation for GCSEs because;
- GCSEs our spread out over a period of several weeks
- It is unusual to have more than two exams per day
- With GCSEs you don't finish learning the material a matter of days before the exam.
I'm making a list of stuff to do after exams. It goes along the lines of: sleep, eat, sleep, relax, have fun, sleep, sleep. You get the idea.
I should probably revise physics for tomorrow's exam, oh well I've got tomorrow morning to panic. I'll revise history instead, after all I only have until next monday to revise it. This is the wonderful logic of my exam riddled brain.
Bye Banan!
So I've got two exams left. I don't know how they're going to go but I'm happy that they're almost done. In just six days my exams will be finished and I'll be celebrating by doing nothing and not feeling guilty about not revising, for the first time since year six it feels like.
I've been thinking. I know, massive shock.
My school is very exam orientated. To the extent that it drives me up the wall. In years seven, eight, nine and ten we have two sets of internal exams. One exam week in January and one around May time. We have exams in all our subjects (with the exception of drama, music and art) in the space of three days. In year nine we did a massive amount of subjects which meant that we had five exams in one day, methinks. This is all to prepare us for GCSEs. What are GCSEs useful for? They don't prepare you for real life because in real life you are not spoon fed information and then told to regurgitate(sp) it in an exam. Because we have internet. Oh well, rant over.
Anyway, the internal exams are that good as preparation for GCSEs because;
- GCSEs our spread out over a period of several weeks
- It is unusual to have more than two exams per day
- With GCSEs you don't finish learning the material a matter of days before the exam.
I'm making a list of stuff to do after exams. It goes along the lines of: sleep, eat, sleep, relax, have fun, sleep, sleep. You get the idea.
I should probably revise physics for tomorrow's exam, oh well I've got tomorrow morning to panic. I'll revise history instead, after all I only have until next monday to revise it. This is the wonderful logic of my exam riddled brain.
Bye Banan!
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Almost over
So my exams are done in 8 days time. Yay!
We've had lovely weather this week when I was meant to be revising. I'm trying to remember as much as possible for history tomorrow and hoping that I make it through geography alive on Tuesday.
Yesterday I was painting some boats with scouts. My hands got covered in blue paint and I was called a smurf. I still have some blue on my hands but most of it's gone. Next Monday, I'm starting my countdown to when I start at my new school. I'm really excited!
Bye banan!
So my exams are done in 8 days time. Yay!
We've had lovely weather this week when I was meant to be revising. I'm trying to remember as much as possible for history tomorrow and hoping that I make it through geography alive on Tuesday.
Yesterday I was painting some boats with scouts. My hands got covered in blue paint and I was called a smurf. I still have some blue on my hands but most of it's gone. Next Monday, I'm starting my countdown to when I start at my new school. I'm really excited!
Bye banan!
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